Conversion Analysis
To optimize is to maximize the profits even when the traffic is less and to read what’s the psychology of the user is a great challenge in itself and we love that. Analysing the customer behaviour pattern and optimizing the website accordingly is what we find exciting. We use various big data analytics tools for extracting the information out of the raw data. Our team of analysts come with years of experience in this domain.

Conversion Design
The customer behavior we see is the behavior we have designed for. What matters is how you touch the heart and strike the mind of your visitor. It’s the design which either builds or destroys the user’s interest. Our UX researchers do a research of user as well as the enterprise and create information architecture and design wireframe based on that. What our team is good at? Creating amazing user experiences.

Conversion Development
Speed is one thing and perfection is another. When combined together in a website, that’s when a business grows exponentially. We believe that no matter how much time it takes to be created, it shouldn’t take time when the website is loaded. Also, we strictly follow the development timeline and adhere to the deadlines. We develop only what is the best, the converting and the perfect.
Conversion Marketing
Not every visitor visits the website with the same outlook and not everybody leaves with the same experience. A major part of their behaviour also depends upon the channel through which they have come to your website. Marketing things in the right way and setting expectations is the key. We, through our conversion marketing services ensure quality user experience.
Conversion Marketing Success Stories

For xSun, Magento eCommerce website was designed and developed after deeply studying the business and the behavior of targeted user groups. We developed interactive demo viewer tools for automotive films and other films to increase the conversion quotient.

For Glory sports, the company which empowers athletes in various ways, we created website with more passion to bring out the passion from the website. The visuals and content were curated to build trust and credibility.

For Help Them Shine, fully functional website with clear navigation and call to action was designed and with a fresh marketing strategy. We created the content to make the website look more credible. After our rigorous efforts, the number of sales increased exponentially.

For My Nutra Mart, which is a leading brand for nutritional supplements,end-to-end solutions were provided; Extensive social media marketing, semantic engine optimization and site optimization resulted in greater profits.

Conversion bug offered unique solution of digital marketing using Social Media, SEO & PPC starting from February, which marks the start of summer season. Due to our focused analysis and well-planned strategy, the visit on the site went up by 700%.

Cancer Helpline, an unique initiative for providing reliable cancer related information. The cancer helpline is designed on Drupal CMS and is fully customized keeping in mind conversion quotient. Advanced search and many other features are added.

For Vista Nutrition, we created a conversion oriented website. The website was created based on the insights we had gained after in-depth analysis of the target customer group. Advanced features boosted the conversion rate of Vista.

For Zenith Nutrition, end to end solution was provided. Based on our customer behavior pattern analysis for Zenith, we created tools for helping users understand the usage of different nutrient supplements. It boosted up the sales.

For Stock Silver Jewelry, we provided end to end solutions from web development to search engine optimization and content marketing to social media optimization. We could achieve quality traffic and greater sales within 6 months.
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