Android App Development

In the increasingly mobile centric world, good apps are no longer a ‘plus’- they’re a must, for any business to prosper, flourish, and drive high user engagement. An app penetrates the market deeper than any other business strategy you can think of.
This makes apps one of the best promoters of your business In the mobile segment, Android is the undisputed market leader; and, thus, an app for Android should be the top of your technology-based development goals.
We develop our apps keeping the end goals of business in mind- user engagement, brand recognition and promotion, and ultimately conversion.
Due to this approach, the ultimate conversion rate and ROI turn higher automatically.
These apps align the end user’s goals and gains from the app, to that of our clients- the business that runs the app-, giving both what they are looking for.

Our Process

Discover Android apps that your users love

Developing apps for Android isn’t easy, given that there are more than 20,000+ types of potential permutations of devices, Android versions and hardware specifications that the app might end up being installed on- but at Conversion Bug, we not only shoulder the challenge grinning, but take it to the completion in an effortless style!
No matter which of the huge available selection of Android devices your end-user might be using, Conversion Bug’s Android apps will find them, engage them and convert them, all without the device, or the user, breaking a sweat!

Design the Material way!

Google changed the design game, especially for Play store, with its announcement of Material Design- and Conversion Bug is only too happy to not just play the ball, but lead it as well!!
All the Conversion Bug-designed Android apps are in strict adherence to the latest Material Design guidelines; and your end user will always look for more engagement with your business.

Develop if you can do it, so can our apps!

Enterprising, social media, gaming, entertainment, Mcommerce- there is hardly anything left to do, that doesn’t have an app doing it too! And Android is leading this digital revolution.
We incorporate the best UX/UI designs into your apps, and our apps come with a promise to take your brand awareness to a whole new level.
Our developers stay on the top of not only new versions of Android being rolled out, but also the in-between updates that find their way into your end-user’s phone. And we make sure that all of this only enhances your user-engagement through our app.

Distribute that’s what Play store is for!

With its active user count exceeding 1 billion, and spilt all over the spectrum, Android makes your outreach truly global and diversified, and has the potential to make your business a household name!
At Conversion Bug, we make our apps go through the rigorous phases of beta-testing- so as to make sure they work glitch-free everywhere- before we put them up for distribution via Play store.

Why Choose Us?

High Conversion Rates

Our skilled professionals have a hands on experience in designing and development of conversion oriented sites. Our end-to-end services from development to digital marketing generate great number of leads and improve the ROI of the business.

Results-Driven Team

Our biggest strength is our vibrant team.The positive environment in the office helps us find result-driven solutions for our diverse set of clients. Delivering conversion is not easy but with a team like ours, we take pride in delivering conversions to our clients.

Cost Effectiveness

We provide the best quality of conversion focused web development, smart engine optimization, social media optimization and content optimization services at the best prices. We are always one step ahead, making plans for the future based on consumer behavior patterns.

Security Guaranteed

Your business is safe and secure with our expert team. We provide our high level conversion marketing services with absolute confidence, protecting your important data and your business. We strive to deliver nothing less than the robust, secure and competent website.

Mobile success story

Kims Hospital make pregnancy phase enjoyable and comfortable.

designed especially for pregnancy that helping thousands of mom’s to track and record their special moments, and get answer to various queries that pops up in their mind during pregnancy.

Read Case study

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