Our Conversion Focused Mobile Development

Why Mobile?

This world has more mobiles than humans, as this report by the reputed UK newspaper ‘The Independent’. And the numbers will only continue to grow, as we race towards a more efficient and compact world.

Companies are racing to become mobile, as users spend more time online via their smartphone than desktops, or even laptops. But just investing in an app is not enough- the app has to be in streamline with the company’s vision, while coupling with its brand loyalty, and it must be accompanied by a strong product, and a sound marketing strategy.

It’s never easy to create a lasting customer relationship and brand loyalty in the world today, where choices are endless, and competition is escalating by the seconds. But the more you understand your audience, the more you understand the importance of good mobile strategy and focus on user experience, the easier it will be for the brand to make deeper inroads into the market, as well as consumer’s mind.

Your Tech Partner for Mobile App Development

We work with product, design, and marketing teams of startups, as well as international brands, to help them innovate on mobile front. We cover the full stack of mobile solutions: native app development, hybrid app development, app-business cohesion strategy, mobile UX/UI design, APIs and backend services. We have been successfully delivering some of the most engaging mobile apps for startups and brands all over the world, and we turn our customers into long-lasting friends.

Customized iOS Apps With the Feature-Packed SWIFT Programming Language.

With the launch of iOS 10, Apple has given clear indications about its path for the near future. iOS has redefined the world of technology, and this latest platform can be utilized for a variety of apple gadgets like iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iWatch, and Apple TV.

iOS application Development is tantamount to developing a masterpiece, and at Conversion bug, we know our way in that. macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS are all cutting edge technology in their own,individual right, and that Apple integrates them all together, as an ecosystem, can only be an icing blast on the best cake experience of the world!! For developers, this means that we can build a highly seamless, intuitive, and multi-faceted experience, with a combination of all the three of software, hardware, and services.

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Robust Android App Solutions
-Innovative and User Engaging.

The number of apps available at Google Play has surpassed that of the Apple App Store. This is remarkable, since the Apple App Store has a longer history and Google Play is a relatively new platform. With the rapidly rising demand of Android across the globe, and with the emergence of more-and-more affordable devices, the time for developing an Android app for your business is here; and we can help you craft niche Android apps for Smartphones, Tablets, Android Wear and Android TV.

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