Cancer Helpline

Cancer Helpline is an unique initiative for providing reliable cancer related information. The cancer helpline is designed on Drupal CMS and is fully customized keeping in mind conversion quotient. Advanced search and many other features are added.

About Cancer Helpline

Cancer helpline is the companion of the cancer affected in their journey to fight cancer. Their professional services and support network helps them manage their lives through treatment and beyond. The services are offered across India to patients and carers alike.

Business Need

Cancer Helpline is the source of information and support for those fighting the cancer and also their families as well as carers. Cancer helpline has a trained team which provides information and guidance to those who are looking for reliable information. The website also needed to represent the authentic information related to cancer in the most effective way so that those who are looking for information and other details can easily get it without any disturbance.

  • Web Design
  • Lead Generation

Conversion Solution

For Cancer Helpline, we created a website which would meet the user goals as well as business goals. The website is built using Drupal content management system and various features have been customized to make the website conversion oriented. The advanced search feature is added to enable users to search information easily. Description about cancer has been made as user friendly as possible and third party database integration has been done.

  • Advanced Search Filters
  • Third Party Database Integration
  • Smart Ads Management
  • Smart Content Management
75% Conversion QuotientTM

Due to the conversion focused development of the website on the Drupal CMS and smart content management, the conversion quotient of the website increased by 75%.

41% Bounce Rate

The bounce rate of the cancer helpline website decreased by 41% due to the effective and conversion oriented menu, easy navigation and high loading speed of the website.

8X Leads

The advanced search filters, easy and descriptive representation of the cancer related information on the website led to generation of 3X leads.

Hired Conversion bug